Thursday, November 14, 2019

The best leaders are voracious readers

I ran across a cool quote the other day from actor/comedian Bryan Callen: "The difference between the people you admire and everybody else is that (the people you admire) are the people who read."

We certainly can apply that to leadership, too. I have found that good leaders are constant truth seekers, voracious readers and people you can learn from — sometimes in brief exchanges.

Of course, a mountain of leadership books stand tall in the marketplace, and I have whittled those to my 10 favorite. I'm always open to more and more books, so feel free to email me and recommend me ones that you love.

Here are 10 leadership books for 100 Nonfiction Books I Recommend:

1. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (2002) by Patrick Lencioni
2. Multipliers (2010) by Liz Wiseman
3. Ego Is the Enemy (2016) by Ryan Holiday
4. A More Beautiful Question (2014) by Warren Berger
5. Crucial Conversations (2002, 2012 edition) by Kerry Patterson, et. al.
6. Conversational Capacity (2013) by Craig Weber
7. Leadership on the Line (2002) by Marty Linsky
8. Good to Great (2001) by Jim Collins
9. This Fight Is Our Fight (2007) by Elizabeth Warren
10. Positive Deviance (2010) by Richard Pascale, et. al.

Voila! This project is 90 books into it, and we move onto our final category tomorrow — books recommended by readers. The good news about this category is that the books are fresh in my mind, so I might have even more insightful things to say. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Even though the pace of this project has been a bit wild for this writer, I have enjoyed doing it. I hope readers use it as a resource or consider checking out some of these books. On the flip side, I also believe we do not have time for books that aren't worth our time. See you tomorrow!

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